Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Story of My Forever Alone Life, Part 2

I finally adding a new cartoon to my blog, but I'm trying something new.

I'll write about it later, but I just recently started an internship that has let me keep and iPad for the entire summer!  So I'm going to be using an app I downloaded called Tinker Paint. The drawings won't look as neat as they were, but they'll be more "freehand."

Anywho, on to my story.

So I signed up for a 2D-Design class last semester for my art minor. I was hopeful that the guy to girl ratio would be similar to what it was in my last art class - that is, about 17 girls to 3 guys, and two of those guys would be unavailable. I was also hoping that I would have better luck than I did last time (part one).

So on the first day of class, my wishes came true. The entire class was almost entirely girls. I decided to pic a seat in the middle of the room, in between two girls.

We introduced ourselves to each other and were getting along just merrily. Then I realized I had forgotten to check something.

(like how I'm too lazy to draw this picture twice and just reversed the last image?)

Indeed. Somehow, I had forgotten about the very first rule of BYU dating - check the freaking ring finger. 

Oh well, with one minute before class started, a girl was approaching the empty seat to the right, and I could see that she didn't have a ring. So that was okay.

But then:
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm saving this seat for my husband."
Eff, I thought. Not only am I surrounded by married girls, I will now be subject to gross PDA to my right hand side. 

Two days later.

It was time for class again. This time I decided to sit as far away as possible from the side of the room that had been claimed by the married people, and meet new people.

No rings. . . Sorry, nothing against you married people, but you're just not as fun. And if I'm going to be in a class filled with girls, I don't see any reason why I should hang out with the unavailable ones. Sheesh.

Anyway, I sat down, introduced myself, and started chatting with my neighbors. We joked, we had some witty banter and comedic timing, we played the whole 20 questions game getting to know each other. And then class ended and we all stood up to leave.


There's always next semester, right?

P.S. As I'm finishing up this post, I've decided that the best way to describe this art is "Draw Something-esque." By the way, if you want to play me, just let me know! I tend go all out.


  1. I busted up laughing. When can I be immortalized in MS Paint and/or Tinker Paint? I'm pretty sure we have had some blogger-worthy moments. Especially "what country are you asian from?" Hahahahahaha

    1. I'll get right to work on it, but what other moments have we had? Whipping hair? Dressing up for the Avengers? What are some good moments that you'd like to see?

    2. I totally laughed too. Great post. The iPad drawings are just as awesome.

  2. Play Draw Something with me... I don't get to it as much, and the app isn't working on my iPad recently, just my phone so my drawings haven't been as good... but thats ok, i look for you to play
