Monday, October 17, 2011

You Know You've Made It When. . .

On the day that I posted "One Whole Year of Being An RM!" my dad read it and liked it.  So he texted about it to my lil' brother.

That's right--I just added shading to that iPhone display in paint.  No big deal.

Unfortunately, my dad didn't realize that my brother was in school at the moment (seriously, what kind of teen is in a classroom on a weekday?).

He also didn't remember that the high school we go to has a very strict no-cellphone policy.

Five minutes later. . . .

Yeah, I'm pretty much famous now.


  1. How you are so artistic using only Paint, I will never know. But that just pretty much made my day. And I'm sure that class's day was made, too.

  2. It's all about the practice. Thanks Elisabeth!
