Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Don't Be Hatin' on My Wal-Mart Style, Wal-Mart

So something I learned about the Marriott School of Management this year is that the competitiveness never ends.  Think getting into the program is rough?  Just wait until you have to start looking for internships.

"And so, if you don't apply for at least 13 internships this weekend, you will end up like Steve the hobo; who, in spite of his 3.94 GPA, didn't apply himself outside of classwork."
So yeah, they put a lot of pressure on us.  Well we had the Career Fair today at the Wilk Student Center.  I dressed up in my best suit, did my hair all nice, and put on the good pair of Eccos.  I printed off ten copies of my resume and put them in a nice little folder along with a list of all the companies I wanted to intern for.

I was wearing a purple shirt.  That's how you know I wasn't effing around.

I went to McDonald's and ordered a Big Mac and a Spicy Chicken Sandwich.  You need your energy if you're going to be talking to those recruiters.

While walking to the Wilk I was practicing the elevator pitch that I would give to all the recruiters so they would be all like "Oh my gosh, you just convinced me to hire you in thirty seconds or less!"

I got to the career fair and it was packed.  All the guys were wearing suits.  I felt like I had a leg up, however, because half of guys were wearing white shirts, and I was clearly wearing a purple shirt.

I decided to go straight to the biggest, baddest company at the fair:  I went to the Walmart booth.  I was so pumped and ready to go.  Then the recruiter took one look at me and said:

Boom!  Roasted.