Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Break

This post talks about what I've done on my Christmas break. It's the product of boredom and is pretty scatterbrained. I know I've been really bad at updating the blog as of late, so we'll see if I can get things going better in 2012.

Because Salt Lake International Airport is between my parents' house and my apartment, this is how my vacation weekends can sometimes feel:

Thanks to Hyperbole and a Half for the image.

When I come home after for the holidays, my first thought is usually this:

And then I go to the home computer and find that the only web browser installed is Internet Explorer, and I think in my head "what year is it?"

The only computer game installed on the computer at home is Age of Mythology. Man, I forgot how much fun that game was. My favorite moment is when you finally crack your opponent's military and take down their settlement. The battle is over but you still have to destroy the town to win. You see about twenty little villagers pour out of the town center and start running for their lives in every direction. Perhaps they have some small hope that if they can escape; then maybe - just maybe - they might be able to start over. Build a refugee camp. Live a quiet life for a while. Then train their kids to be soldiers and avenge their fathers' deaths in a violent final battle that will take place ten minutes later.

But I am not going to allow that to happen.

At least, that's how I envision it in my mind. In reality, it's probably more like this:

People who've played an Age of Empires game before will understand.

While we're on the topic of video games, we went to my aunt's house for our extended family Christmas party. While there, my aunt broke out one of their Christmas presents, Dance Central 2, and challenged my little brother and me to a dance off.  Keep in mind that my aunt is relatively young and teaches dance.

We did a dance off to Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. You can see the choreography below:

I pretty much rocked it (I'm pretty good at doing the Fierce Kitten), which was probably a little disturbing to the rest of the family. But hey, that's how I roll. My aunt best be bringin' her A-game the next time we meet.

Other than that, I've done pretty much nothing all Christmas break, and it was everything I could have hoped it to be.


  1. That game is still on this thing...
    And only that game. 0_o

  2. Any way you destroyed me at "You're a Jerk". Not too proud. also my last comment isn't true anymore.
