Thursday, June 23, 2011

Please Help Me!

So about a month or two ago, my blog became one of the top million websites on the web, according to  I think that's pretty cool, since there's somewhere between 200-350 million websites on earth (it varies widely based on who you ask).  Now that I've broken that barrier, I want to see how far I can go.  Perhaps someday I could overtake as the  586,220 most visited website.

But there's one hitch with this vision:  I generally blog about my life, and I live a terribly boring life.

You see, I always have these great intentions.  I envisioned myself accomplishing quite a bit this summer--going camping, reading tons of new novels, learning how to cook something that isn't frozen, etc.  But now that summer has started and I'm free from classroom obligations that took up so much of my adventure time, I've been decidedly less productive.  Here's a chart breaking down my free time since the spring term ended at BYU:

Clearly, this isn't material that makes for an interesting read, so this is where you guys need to come in.   Please help me live a more exciting life!


  1. What do you want us to do? I'm happy to help with whatever, when I'm not doing schoolwork, anyway.
