Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I've Come Out of Draw Something Retirement

Yes, after leaving the game for almost 6 months, I'm back into Draw Something. And my pictures are getting more elaborate than ever.

I made some cutesy pics at the start:



Sugar. As in Sugar Mama. Seriously, do you remember this show??

And then I decided to just go all out and throw in tons of stuff like anatomy, shading, backgrounds, etc...

Crossbow. In case you didn't guess from the 'brains' drawing,
 I watch "The Walking Dead." And if Daryl (or Glen) dies, I will riot.

Eminem. I was going for that iPod commercial look.


Speak. As in, "Speak Now," by Taylor Swift

Jack. "There should be a 'captain' in there somewhere."

And of course, I had to draw some Hitlers in my pictures.



Looking back on this picture, I just feel bad. The word is Japan, but I drew Korea. Which, coincidentally, has the exact same number of letters. I am not a nice person.



  1. Oh my goodness. I'm so glad you posted this because I don't play draw something anymore, otherwise I wouldn't even have seen your awesome drawing of Psy.

    And I don't think racist is the right word, but I kind of love your Asian racism. Haha

  2. Aw, thanks! I don't think racist is the right word either, but you got to be able to make fun of yourself, right?

  3. My new favorite thing is fandom Draw Something. It's where you pick a fandom at the beginning of the game (such as Harry Potter or Percy Jackson), and everything has to relate to that fandom. Gives it something extra.

  4. Sadly, China, Korea, and Japan all have the same amount of letters.
