Monday, July 23, 2012

Awkward Question

At the beginning of this last semester, my professors asked us to split up into groups. These groups would do a giant final project due at the end of the semester as well as many other smaller projects along the way. So picking the right people in these groups would be very important.

Well, there was a group of four of us that were in last semester's integrated core, and were in the same classes this semester. So naturally, we decided it would be a good idea to be in the same group for all our classes. This meant that we would be some sort of super marketing group. 

"Super Marketing Group Assemble!"

We saw each other upwards of three or more hours a day. We got great things accomplished during the  semester and became very close friends.

I tell that short story so I can tell you this story. On the very first day we were working together, and were still getting to know each other, I had an interesting exchange with Chantel, the sole female in our group:

Chantel trailed off, suddenly doubting what she was about to say.
She wanted to ask a question, but was having trouble figuring out how to word it. 
Every attempt at eloquent wording escaped her.
Frustration set in. 
Followed by resignation. The question was coming out, regardless of how it's worded.

When in doubt, quote Mean Girls

Note: I got Chantel's permission to tell this story. She's normally a very smart and well-spoken person. Just had a brain fart, like we all do. We're good friends who still stay in contact with each other, even though she is now graduated and has a big-girl job in San Francisco. Good times, eh?


  1. Every time I read this I laugh. Which is great, because I made up the punchline, and have read this at least five times. That's saying something!
