They all came down to Provo to give me presents and and stuff.
I was very happy to see all of them. They brought in three wrapped presents and a cake. My mom baked this gorgeous cake that had red gelatin frosting and carefully arranged strawberries on it. There was just one thing about it that was throwing me off:
My whole family looked at the cake and the candles and then looked at Mom. Mom thought for a second and said,
"Alright, that's reasonable, I guess. But why are there four of them?" I said.
Without pausing, she replied,
My little brothers giggled, and my mom thought for a second longer.
Now that I think about it. . . I'm pretty sure Mom has been using those same candles since I actually was four years old. . .
When we gat home we had a big candle discussion. "This one is like 3/4 of 30. This one is squared. This one is pie" that kind of thing.