Monday, February 13, 2012

Birthday Cake

While I'm on the subject of birthdays, I suppose I should mention how my family celebrated my birthday.

They all came down to Provo to give me presents and and stuff.

I was very happy to see all of them. They brought in three wrapped presents and a cake. My mom baked this gorgeous cake that had red gelatin frosting and carefully arranged strawberries on it. There was just one thing about it that was throwing me off:

"Mom," I said, "What's up with the candles?"

My whole family looked at the cake and the candles and then looked at Mom. Mom thought for a second and said,

"Alright, that's reasonable, I guess. But why are there four of them?" I said.

Without pausing, she replied,

My little brothers giggled, and my mom thought for a second longer.

It was at this point we all decided to accept there was no logic behind the candles other than to keep them out of the main area of the cake so as to avoid ruining the beautiful frosting job my mom did. Then my family sang happy birthday and I blew out the candles. As soon as that finished, my mom quickly collected all the candles and stored them in a box for the next birthday.

Now that I think about it. . . I'm pretty sure Mom has been using those same candles since I actually was four years old. . .

1 comment:

  1. When we gat home we had a big candle discussion. "This one is like 3/4 of 30. This one is squared. This one is pie" that kind of thing.
