Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Thanksgiving is nearly upon us.  I'm really excited about it.  I love spending time with the extended family and overeating.  Well....I can and do overeat all the time--Thanksgiving is just the day when it's socially acceptable and I can do it with style.

Last year, my little brother blogged about some of the things he's grateful for.  It was a wonderful list, and I figured I ought to follow his example and jot down some of the things I'm grateful for.

Thank you to:
-The BYU 65th ward
-The Arkansas Little Rock Mission and my wonderful mission president and companions.
-All the opportunities I ever have to testify and share what I believe.
-Anyone that invites me to get out of the apartment and do something with them.  It's greatly appreciated.
-The people in our military who serve our country.
-All the cars that give me the right of way while I'm on my bike.
-All the cars that don't run over me while I'm on my bike.
-That person who paid for my breakfast over two years ago when I forgot my wallet.  I never got the opportunity to repay him or even get his name.
-YouTube.  You make me smile.
-People who laugh.
-Thanksgiving pies.  Yes!
-Leftover Thanksgiving turkey
- Anyone that comments on my blog, posts on my Facebook, or sends out a text every now and then.
-The free single of the week on iTunes.  That's $52 a year worth of songs that Apple doesn't have to give us.
-Warm sunny days (you'll be missed for the next six months)
-A day that isn't warm or sunny that reminds us how nice other days are (as long as it doesn't overstay its welcome).
-The Carl Bloch exhibit at the BYU Museum of Art.  Amazingly inspiring.
-Any teacher or professor that has made me want to go to their class everyday.
-A person that knows what their standards are and won't budge when given the opportunity to lower them.
-Talented people that share their talents.
-Sign shakers on street corners that dance.
-My little brothers who are such good examples to me.
-My parents who still care about how I'm doing.
-Friends that stop and say hi when we pass each other in the hallway or on campus.
-People that give compliments.

On that note, I wanted to share a video that a couple of my friends posted on Facebook.  It's a short film that 15 minutes long, but totally worth every second.  You won't regret taking the time to see it.

Now go out there and make someone elses day!

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